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Clinton Road - Real Haunts in West Milford NJ

  • Clinton Road
  • West Milford, NJ
Located in West Milford, Clinton Road is a 10-mile desolate stretch of roadway predominantly surrounded by undeveloped woodland. Over the years this street has given rise to many rumors and ghostly sightings, and had been the site of some several tragedies as well.

One of the most common ghost stories shared is that of a dead young boy who hangs under the bridge at Dead Man’s Curve. The Ghost Boy as he is referred to is said to returns coins to you after you throw them in the water, according to Weird NJ. It’s not entirely clear if this is the exact bridge that such phenomenon has occurred because there is also a bridge found south of Dead Man’s Curve near the old stone iron furnace as well, but clearly visitors have had a try at experiencing the Ghost Boy with coins visible in the water stream beneath the bridge.

The story of Ghost Boy is just one of many haunt stories surrounding Clinton Road. Other notable event surrounding this road include an incident in 1983 when a human body was found off the side of the road by a passing cyclist; a coroner’s exam revealed that it was the body of Daniel Deppener and ice crystals had formed in blood vessels near the heart. Three years later investigators would find the killer, Richard Kuklinski, a contract killer who had earned the nickname “The Iceman.” According to reporting from Try to Scare Me, Kuklinski in statements indicated he’d perform the act of killing, freezing and dumping bodies, leaving many to question whether there may be additional bodies lying in the woods who have not been discovered.

Other phenomenon driving visitors to experiences the haunts of Clinton Road include a sofa that may suddenly appear in the road. Story has it that if you come across it, don’t get out of your vehicle as it is blood-thirsty cannibals lurking in the shadows hoping to trick you out of your vehicle to investigate it, according to the Daily News.

There’s also the story of a young boy who allegedly died after falling from a bridge near the reservoir. If you place a quarter on the yellow line in the middle of the road at midnight it is said the ghost boy will promptly return it; alternatively, if you lean over the side of the bridge he might push you off. There have also been reports of a girl in a ghostly Camaro, the specters of a terrible car crash that occurred in 1988, and of ghost trucks or phantom headlights that chase motorists to the end of the road before vanishing.

Other oddities include a colonial structure south of the reservoir which is said be a druid temple. If anyone looks in on the druids during one of their rituals something horrible will befall him or her. People also claim to have seen hellhounds and strange hybrid creatures; some believe these to be the offspring of survivors from the now defunct Jungle Habitat which closed in 1976, which were somehow able to crossbreed.

While Clinton Road has been deemed by many as the most haunted street in America, including Roadtrippers, it’s a voyage worth discovering even if you’re not out to seek a haunted experience as it also offers scenic views of the forest, lake, wildlife, and historic sites like the Clinton Furnace and the ruins of Cross Castle.
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  • Definitely something out there

    I went with my friends down this road, we couldn’t get to the end fast enough before I was out of the car throwing up and shaking like a leaf… just to get back in the car to get back to where we needed to go, I was begging for us to take another route but to no avail, my friends thought I was joking. We barely made it back before I leapt from the car once more and started throwing up again, crying and begging for whatever was making me feel like I was going to die to stop… and saying I will never come back here again. As soon as we drove away I started to feel better. Something out there set off every alarm bell in my body. Not for the faint of heart or those who have sensitivity to the strange and unusual. Take a cruise down Clinton road if you dare!!

    Posted 9/23/24

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  • Hitchhiker on Clinton Road

    Absolutely no cell service on the road. It seems that it goes on forever. We also saw a guy hitchhiking at the side of the road with a flashlight.

    Posted 3/21/21

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  • I live on it

    It is dark and scary but never seen anything

    Posted 9/26/17

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  • Ghost trucks are most def a thing...

    A truck, that looked like it had the headlights of an Excursion, came out of no where. Was looking behind us the whole time to watch if this were to happen. He sped up and stayed on us the whole 10 miles. He literally tried to run us off the road. He didn't succeed of course because we weren't gunna let a truck be that much of an asshole to us so we slowed down and waited for him to pass but he didn't. By the end of the road the truck disappeared right before our very eyes. This haunt is no joke.

    Posted 1/9/16

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  • Clinton Iron Furnace

    The so-called Druid Temple on Clinton Road is the Clinton Iron Furnace. It was built in 1826 to smelt iron from locally mined ore. It is listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places. As a nearly 200 year old historic site it is endangered by neglect and vandalism. It has no supernatural associations.

    Posted 1/7/16

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  • Camping! <----- who wrote this one???

    You're from North Arlington aren't ya???

    Posted 1/6/16

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  • I was used as the reference when

    my neighbor, the cyclist, found the dead body! My other neighbor, a few years before found a dead body under some leaves in the watershed along Davenport Rd. Guess whose name he used as a reference! You might also die waiting for the two lights to change in order to cross Rte 23 S to access Clinton Rd., the longest light (5 min) in NJ.

    Posted 1/6/16

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  • Mixed thoughts

    I drive on this road at least 5-10 times a week, and most of the time I don't see anything unusual other than animals and a green jeep who decided to try the head light trick and almost ran me over. But it wasn't a ghost just an immature boy. One time I do think I saw a girl with dark wet hair in a white night gown looking outfit with her face covers by her hair, but I haven't seen it since. Also one night I saw vertical fog and I'm convinced it was a spirit because fog is usually horizontal. I also got my finger sliced open by skipping a rock by the dam but that's it.

    Posted 1/6/16

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  • My friend died on Clinton Road

    She died in a head on collision around 10pm 4 years ago. That street changed the lives of many people in motor vehicle accidents in the area due to lack of signs and lights.

    Posted 1/6/16

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  • Camping!

    In HS (circa early 1990s we used to tribe up there in a huge group and "camp". We made fires, drank beers and just hung out until the sun came up. I remember literally walking further into the woods alone sometimes to pee! I'm afraid of my own shadow today. Don't know how I ever did that back then!

    Posted 1/6/16

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • The facts

    what makes clinton road scary is not the fabricated stories that people like to make up and try to create but rather the sharp turns, and frequent fog which allow people's imaginations to produce whatever they think is there. So if you go you will probably find exactly what you were expecting to find and a few ghost cars to boot because we all love driving down the road without our headlights.

    Posted 1/6/16

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  • I love Clinton rd.

    My grandpa built his house on lake lookover. A lot of my family grew up there I really miss it. Where you're talking about is old Clinton rd. we used to party there when we were teenagers there was also a bird sanctuary there. We always said there was a yeti there I really miss being there. My one friend's house was said to be built on an Indian burial ground her mom did witness some odd things

    Posted 1/6/16

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  • Do your research

    I live on that road, and I'm one of the assholes to turns my lights off as a prank when I'm behind someone on a dark night; there are no ghost cars, we just love scaring people who believe in the myths. Also, that "Druid Temple" is one of two enormous furnaces used in the revolutionary war to smelt iron. You can ask literally anyone in town and they will tell you this. The KKK and Witch stories are true though. There are some weird people in this town.

    Posted 1/5/16

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  • live it

    grew up in WM , so friends and I thoughout my life have played on Clinton Rd. I have experienced it all. the dissappearing headlights that chase you down the road. I've seen the ghostly female apparitions in the abandoned house. I've been down to the ruins. Played quarters the boy on dead mans. I even have had the misfortune of one night when I accidentally turned onto Clinton Rd , driving alone one night, to run into a KKK bonFire in the road coming around the corner of dead man's curve, I almost ran off the road trying not to hit them.

    Posted 1/5/16

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  • Scary stuff

    I was there about 10 years ago. I was local to Annie's road but that was a bust. So as any young adventurous thrill seeking teenagers, my 5 friends and I headed there in two vehicles. It was a complete cell dead zone. We had no way to let the others in the car in front of us that we wanted to turn around. Both of our cars passed the bridge. Shortly after that we decided to turn around. On our way back over the bridge (I kid you not) a cement road block was moved into our lane. We almost crashed into it. After being freaked out by that, once we got back to the beginning of the road, approaching the highway, there was a 1960's style ambulance where blaring head lights sitting off the side of the road. It was impossible to see in, and we weren't stopping to check it out! I've never been back nor do I ever plan to.

    Posted 1/5/16

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  • It's true

    It is all true my friend lived on that road and she said she saw all of that

    Posted 1/5/16

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Visitors to this page: 12,978
Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2017 (2867 days ago)

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