Berry's Chapel - Real Quinton Haunt

- Berrys Chapel Road
- Quinton, NJ
- Average Review
- (5 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Places
- Open To Public
- NOT Open to Public
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- Seven Stars Tavern11.9 miles away
- Ye Olde Centerton Inn12.4 miles away
- Iona Lake Inn - Lake House Restaurant16.3 miles away
- Rowan University19.0 miles away
- Eglington Cemetery21.0 miles away
- Jefferson Hall - Camden County College24.0 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesCreepy place
When we were kids back in the 90’s we would go back there at night . This place basically was our have to place to become one of the group . If when when back there you were accepted . Stupid kid stuff !!!
Posted 5/15/233 out of 4 found this review helpful
sakora scheidegg
about my life its haunted everywhere i go it seems like someones following me and getting ahold of me this has been happened to me since i was a new born
Posted 5/22/193 out of 6 found this review helpful
Went during Daylight
At the time I'm writing this, the road is posted at both ends as Private Property and innumerable No Trespassing signs with multiple properties and yards alongside the only access points. We did however drive down halfway through the road before having to turn back due to heavy mud and water presenting a likely issue with our vehicle, but did not have time to get out and walk around, though there was nowhere to have possibly parked anyway. You will not likely be able to enter here legally or without disturbing one or more of the adjacent households, though it is a creepy spot indeed. I'm glad I got to see at least a portion of it, but it is essentially inaccessible to somebody wanting to really explore. You would be better served using that gas money and time to drive out to one of NJs other haunts.
Posted 3/5/195 out of 5 found this review helpful
I lived on Berry's Chapel Road
From 1981 to the 2010s my family lived on Berry's Chapel Road and I spent a lot of time at and around Berry's Chapel as a kid & teenager. It was common for grave stones to be vandalized and stolen. Graves would be dug up and while I never saw them dug such that a casket could be opened but a number were visible. Berry's grave stone was pretty beat up and had been shot several times. It was placed very far back on the lot away from the cemetery proper. The foundation of the chapel was visible in the 80's but by the late 90's had mostly been hidden by overgrowth and runoff. From the 70's through the 90's the area was a regular place for kids to party, drink and do drugs, etc. as well as a dumping ground for trash. As a result you'd find all kinds of things down there from needles to boats. Wasn't the safest place to wonder around. The "hanging tree" was a very large and mostly dead tree to the side of the cemetery which had no canopy but did have one large branch which faced the cemetery and had a cup/hook shape at the end which fed into the story. Never found rope attached to it however. There is/was an abandoned unfinished house which was a few hundred yards away which was also used as a place to party and dump trash. A mentally ill individual was found living for a time in a small abandoned trailer in that lot. It was certainly a creepy place but mostly due to being an abandoned cemetery in the middle of nowhere. Never experienced anything unexplained or paranormal though my friends and I had our share of injuries due to being stupid teenagers while hanging out down there. It's an interesting and beautiful area but the road was closed in the late 1990s / early 2000s and now no longer practical (or legal) to visit.
Posted 11/1/186 out of 6 found this review helpful
Visited Barrys Chapel in 1985
Partying spot back in the 80s, the first couple times we all heard strange noises,and distant screams kinda thought it was animals. The last time i went there five black limos drove by real slow we were standing around the so called hanging tree, it was around two in the morning, we left thought it was strange got creeped out,never went back. Definitely a very creepy place at night and you can tell there is a spirit or spirits there, would love to have permission to walk back there again in the daytime!!!
Posted 6/7/167 out of 7 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3306 days ago)