Prepare for the Terror in Store at Scary Rotten Farms this Halloween Season!
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October 13, 2016 By Haunt News & Press Releases

Come see us, what could it hurt? We're already dead. recently sat down with Wayne Dickenson of Scary Rotten Farms, to discuss what's new at Scary Rotten Farms for the 2016 Halloween Season! Located in Brick, Scary Rotten Farms features two hair-raising haunted attractions, including Sinister Sneed's Chaotic Carnival of Chaos and THE FORBIDDEN: The Inbred & Nearly Dead.
Each haunt is terrifying in its own unique way, and will give haunt-goers the appetite for fright they've been hungry for all year long! That is, if you're able to make it all the way through...
What's new at Scary Rotten Farms for 2016? Do you have any new rides, attractions, or special features that Haunt Seekers should know about?
Scary Rotten Farms evolves every year. While the 'Chaotic Carnival' and 'The Forbidden' themes remain the same, each haunt walk through is redesigned each year. In addition to the redesign, Scary Rotten Farms has added new scares and new characters to heighten your experience for 2016.
What are you most excited about for the 2016 Halloween Season?
Well to start, If we could have good weather that would be exciting! Both haunts at Scary Rotten Farms are outdoors. Sinister Sneeds dark Carnival halls wind you through a freak show and clown feeding grounds, while The Forbidden backwoods hick trail lures you deep into the dark and terrifying unknown. What's most exciting for me about the 2016 Halloween Season is our new level of fear with all new scare actors and brand new costumes. Additionally, we have new sets built specifically for the 2016 haunt season.
What differentiates Scary Rotten Farms from other local haunts in New Jersey?
The biggest thing that differentiates Scary Rotten Farms from other local haunts in New Jersey is our scare actors. We feature more scare actors than animations and props. This gives the haunt seeker an intimate experience as we are able to adapt to their deepest fears and feed off of their emotions to heighten the experience.
How long has Scary Rotten Farms been in business? Can you tell us a bit more about Scary Rotten Farms's history?
This is the 6th haunted season for Scary Rotten Farms. We originally started out as small Halloween display in the back corner of our market. As per customer requests, we made the display bigger and moved it to greenhouse for kids to enjoy. Quickly, the greenhouse space became too small, and the Halloween display morphed into 2 terrifying haunts.
What's your favorite experience since opening Scary Rotten Farms?
One of my favorite experiences since opening Scary Rotten Farms has been watching the haunts grow and evolve each year. It's still hard to believe we went from a small Halloween display, to 2 haunted attractions. Another experience that pull at my heartstrings is the haunt family that has been born since we began just 6 years ago. Each year, new members are added to our haunt family, and I have truly enjoyed working with and getting to know each and every one of them. More than the haunts themselves and the family we have become, I've most of all enjoyed helping 'Ocean of Love' kids. Over the past 5 years, we have been fortunate enough to have the ability to help many families in need, as a portion of our ticket sales are donated to this wonderful organization. Knowing we are part of making a difference in children's lives has been the best experience of all.
How long is a typical haunt experience at Scary Rotten Farms from start to finish?
Each haunt experience at Scary Rotten Farms is unique in it's own way. Since we feature more scare actors than animations and props, we're able to deliver the scariest possible experience for each haunt goer. Typically each attractions lasts up to 20 minutes. Depending upon the haunters potential involvement with the actor, the experience can last more than 20 minutes. Since we like to feed off the haunters fears and emotions, we tend to prolong the experience by dragging out the terrifying experience.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how scary would you say Scary Rotten Farms is? Why?
To rate how scary our attractions are would be such a cliche. I prefer to let our customers tell you for themselves. Quite a few customers have come into our market and told us they won’t come through our haunts because they have heard it’s too scary. We personally hand deliver coupons to local businesses, and we have been told on numerous occasions they would be happy to hand out coupons, but they would never use one themselves as they are too terrified to walk though our haunts. Come and see for yourself. We keep tally of those who chicken out on a chalkboard at the beginning of our 'Chaotic Carnival of Chaos'.
Does Scary Rotten Farms's property have any real haunted history? Do you have a spooky encounter you'd like to share?
Since Scary Rotten Farms has evolved into 2 haunts, strange occurrences have been known to happen while setting up the haunts each year. Each year when setting up the haunt, I find a number of props are misplaced after setting them in place. They always turn up in other places in our haunts. It's as if the soul of Jacob Sneed is rearranging the props to suit his liking. I usually leave the props as they, as I trust in Jacob's judgement. Afterall, it is his Chaotic Carnival of Chaos.
What inspired you to open up a haunted attraction? What's your favorite part of the business?
My children inspired me do open the haunted attraction. While I have always had a fascination with haunted attractions, it was my kids who inspired me to create the Halloween display in the corner of my store. Halloween is my daughters favorite, and each year it gives me great pleasure to be able to offer her the best haunt season.
How has new technology (i.e. animatronics, special props, etc) helped you to enhance Scary Rotten Farms?
We do have a few special props that lend to the haunt experience. While we prefer to rely on live scare actors for the best experience, there are a few props that are a staple within our haunts. Lights and fog also play a large part in our terrifying experience. I don't want to spoil the surprise by giving away too many details, so you will just have to come see for yourself.
Can Scary Rotten Farms accommodate large groups? How many people can experience Scary Rotten Farms together as a group?
Any large groups can be accommodated, but they will be divided. We try to keep groups to a maximum of 5-6 people to enhance the interaction and make it intimate.
Does Scary Rotten Farms offer any special deals, discounts, or coupons?
Scary Rotten Farms does offer special deals, discounts, and coupons. If purchased individually, each haunt is $18. A combo ticket for both haunts can be purchased for $30. We offer a 'Creep the Line Pass' for $40, which allows you to skip the lines VIP style. More information regarding ticket pricing can be found by visiting our site:
Coupons can be found on our Facebook page:
Anything else you'd like to let us know about Scary Rotten Farms?
Jacob Sneed’s first foray into the realm of bargaining with the Devil seemed fruitless—yet as his traveling carnival teetered on the brink of bankruptcy, Sneed faced little choice other than to beg the Prince of Darkness to save his doomed festival-on-wheels. But what possible use could the Devil have for pathetic Sneed or his carnival? None—or so it appeared. The diabolical chief of the demons denied his request, leveraging the weak mind of Sneed and driving the pathetic has-been of a businessman to slash his own throat. But Lucifer, the master of deception, knew what he was doing. Upon Sneed's death the Devil reconsidered, bestowing immortality upon the unsuspecting Sneed. Of course, this came with a price… all bargains with the Tempter must come with a price. Though now enslaved to the Devil, Sneed reluctantly has accepted the dictates of his covenant and has embarked upon his CHAOTIC CARNIVAL OF CHAOS FROM TOWN TO TOWN BEGINNING WITH YOUR TOWN, where he has commenced the gathering of helpless souls for the Devil. So enter SINISTER SNEED’S CHAOTIC CARNIVAL OF CHAOS at your own risk and relinquish the notion that you will ever return home. Simply accept the joyless dread that your dwindling days of life now offer, as your exit IS NOT GUARANTEED!
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